Friday, January 29, 2010

Bonding Moments

This is something that creates memories that will last forever. That's right! Beach outing; picture taking, talking, singing, cooking always be with us, and make us smile thinking and recalling our high school days. It's important that we remember that "bonding" takes all shapes and forms. There is no set formula for connecting with each other. Our memories are treasured lifetime because of the emotions behind the moment. We have to be sensitive to the fact that a walk in the woods, or a special trip to the store, party or hang-outs or even a quiet afternoon reading together could be a memory that will be treasured forever. It's not always the big, flashy moments that stick with us. After all, It was a flash of a moment in our life, but one we will always treasure.

                                                   Reuniting With High School Classmates

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